
Here you can find a selection of images from the plethora of actions we carried on in the course of the project. They are all released under a Creative Commons Attribution – Share Alike licence.

We want these pictures to be a Free Cultural Work, so if you find something that is useful for your project to represent the actual Central Europe FabLabs and Open Innovation dynamics… You are welcome to use them!

FLN Digital Transformation Camp

ESoM Steam Education in FabLabs

FLN Mid term project meeting

FablabNet project meeting in Ljubljana

Project Management


Visiting FabLab Barcelona and GreenLab

Fab Box

Fab 14 2018

Fab Business Budapest

Fab Business Bratislava

Coding at School

Electronic Trash

Visiting RogLab Ljubljana

Visiting HappyLab Wien

FabLabNet Thematic meeting Bratislava

Repair Café Trento 2018

FabLabNet at #MakerFaire Vienna

Launching Event MakerMeetArtisan FabLabNet

Launching event Fablab2Industry

Roglab Lubiana FabLab

Roglab Lubiana FabLab

FabLabNet Kick-Off at MUSE

Licenza Creative Commons
Quest’opera è distribuita con Licenza Creative Commons Attribuzione – Condividi allo stesso modo 4.0 Internazionale.