Introduction to the 3D world
What: high level training for the beginners
When:second half of November 2018-first half of December, proposed dates: 21.11. 28. 11. 5.12. 12. 12 (TBD)
Trainer: Grzegorz Michałowski, fablab manager
Target audience: everyone is invited, especially young and children
Duration: 2 hours
Fee: free, financed by the Central Europe Interreg FabLabNet project
Number of participants: min. 10
Where: FabLab Bielsko-Biała, ul. Cieszyńska 365, 43-382 Bielsko-Biała, Poland
The main goal of the course/presentation is to introduce FabLab and its possibilities to children and young people. Trainer provides basic information about the technologies that are available in FabLab, introduces 3D modelling and 3D printing to participants, shows how to use it, what materials can be used and what 3D printing can be used for. During the course participants are also able to learn how to use free 3D modelling software – Autodesk 123D Design. The course provides basic knowledge about 3D modelling, rapid prototyping and the use of 3D printing in everyday life. It also introduces the infrastructure of FabLab to young people what will result in acquaintance with cutting-edge technologies and creativity.
h 9.00 Welcome and registration
h 9.30 Why are we here? – FabLabNet project presentation
h 9.45 – 10.00 Introduction of FabLab Bielsko-Biała Who are we? What you are able to make in our FabLab? Why places like ours are needed?
h 10.00 – 10.30 Introduction to the 3D world Technologies, materials and ways of using 3D printing
h 10.30 – 11.00 How to use 3D printers? Operating the printer, security, typical probelms, software What is Thingiverse and why is it useful for amateurs?
h 11.00 – 11.30 Basic 3D modelling with free software Autodesk 123D Design – how to create yor first 3D model for free? Printing designed 3D models